Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tips For Medical Student...MISI JUBAH MERAH 2012

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 1 - Thank Allah (God) for this golden opportunity. Allow yourself to be trained with the basic medical knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that are essential for the profession. If you're a caring, responsible, unselfish and emphatic person, half the battle is won. If you're not, it's a long way ahead!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 2 - Do not be afraid to make mistakes now. As students, you learn thro' your mistakes and corrections by your teachers. If you're scolded or criticized for your mistakes, be strong. You could only be hurt or affected as much as you have allowed yourself to be!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 3 - Look forward for your exams, instead of being depressed over them. Two reasons for that; first - exams are TRADEMARK of medical schools (they are here to stay!), secondly - they serve as signboards, telling you how close (or how far) you're to the destiny. Enjoy & cherish them!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 4 - Enhance your passion & hunger for knowledge. You might have your own learning style, but you can always switch your approach from superficial to deep. Learn because you really wanna know, not for simply passing exams (superficial approach)!

credit to : Prof Harlina, Ketua Kumpulan 1 MD UKM 2012


Andai Ramadhan ini adalah buat yang terakhir untukku..
aku redha kerana semuanya adalah sudah ditentukan sejak azali lagi oleh Allah s.w.t.

Ya Allah , aku bermohon padaMu
jadikan Ramadhan ini paling istimewa sekali dalam kehidupan aku,
kuatkan hatiku ya Allah dalam menuju menjadi hambaMU yang takwa.
Tabahkan hatiku menghadapi segala dugaan sepanjang bulan ini Ya allah.

Ya rabbi, Ya Allah
tinggalkanlah aku memori indah untuk Ramadhan terakhirku ini...persiapkanlah aku dalam menghadapiMu Ya Allah. Ampunilah dosaku, ibubapaku dan semua umat islam.

Ya Allah aku rindu sekali pada ibu dan keluargaku...aku mohon ya Allah agar kali ini aku sempat coretkan memori indah buat mereka.
Ya Allah aku mohon padaMu tutuplah aib ku di dunia dan akhirat...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa,” (Q.S Al Baqarah, 2:183)

Semoga kehadiran bulan yang penuh barakah ini, bertambahlah ketakwaan kepadaNya, di permudahkan urusan di dunia dan akhirat kelak.

The pain

 When the pain come, it is really sore. If I told I am in pain, that means is a pain. Deep in my heart i hope there is comfort word would co...